



This page provides instructions for installing NetworkX.

It was tested for networkx/2.8.8

The instructions below will install networkx in a Python virtual environment which in this example is called nx_venv. They are based on instructions provided here: Install — NetworkX 3.4.2 documentation

If you notice any issues, please let us know.


ALICE has two system-wide software stacks, i.e., one for nodes with Intel CPUs and one for nodes with AMD CPUs.

Because the login nodes have Intel CPUs, installing software for AMD nodes works slightly different.

Intel nodes

  • Make sure that you have a clean module environment

  • You can either copy the commands or safe them in a shell script and execute them

  • You can run the instructions on the login nodes

  • Adjust the path (line 6) as needed

#!/bin/bash module purge module load ALICE/default module load Python/3.8.6-GCCcore-10.2.0 # Set the path as needed venv_path='/path/to/nx_venv' ############################ # Commands below should work # without modifications ############################ # Create virtual environment python -m venv $venv_path # Source the virtual environment source $venv_path/bin/activate # Some prerequisites # Update pip and setuptools and install wheel pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade setuptools pip install wheel # Install networkx with default packages pip install networkx[default] # Test it python -c "import networkx as nx; print(nx.__version__); G = nx.Graph(); G.add_node(1); print(list(G.nodes))"

If you need additional extra packages

  • for pyyaml, lxml and pydot, you can just add pip install pyyaml lxml pydot to the after line 27

  • for gdal, you can load the corresponding module (module load GDAL/3.2.1-foss-2020b)

  • for pygraphviz, this package needs Graphviz which is not yet installed system-wide

AMD nodes

  • Save the commands below in a file (e.g., install_networkx_amd.slurm that can be submitted to slurm using sbatch install_networkx_amd.slurm

    • Alternatively, create an interactive job with salloc, ssh to the allocated node and install everything manually. Make sure that you start from a clean module environment.

  • Adjust the path (line 13) as needed:

#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=install_networkx_amd #SBATCH --output=%x_%j.out #SBATCH --partition="amd-short" #SBATCH --time=00:05:00 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --mem=1G module load ALICE/default module load Python/3.8.6-GCCcore-10.2.0 # Adjust path the path as needed venv_path='/path/to/nx_venv' ############################ # Commands below should work # without modifications ############################ if [ -d $venv_path ]; then echo "#### Virtual environment $venv_path already exists. Continuing" else echo "#### Creating virtual environment $venv_path" python -m venv $venv_path fi echo "#### Switching to venv" source $venv_path/bin/activate echo "#### Updating pip" pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade setuptools echo "#### Installing packages" echo "## Installing wheel" pip install wheel echo "## Installing networkx" pip install networkx[default] echo "#### Testing" echo "networkx" python -c "import networkx as nx; print(nx.__version__); G = nx.Graph(); G.add_node(1); print(list(G.nodes))" echo "#### Done"

Make sure to check the slurm output file for any error messages.

If you need additional extra packages

  • for pyyaml, lxml and pydot, you can just add pip install pyyaml lxml pydot to the batch file after line 40

  • for gdal, you can load the corresponding module (module load GDAL/3.2.1-foss-2020b)

  • for pygraphviz, this package needs Graphviz which is not yet installed system-wide


  • Make sure that you have a clean module environment

  • You can either copy the commands or safe them in a shell script and execute them

  • You can run the instructions on the login nodes

  • Adjust the path (line 6) as needed

#!/bin/bash module purge module load system/python/3.10.2 # Set the path as needed venv_path='/path/to/nx_venv' ############################ # Commands below should work # without modifications ############################ # Create virtual environment python -m venv $venv_path # Source the virtual environment source $venv_path/bin/activate # Some prerequisites # Update pip and setuptools and install wheel pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade setuptools pip install wheel # Install networkx with default packages pip install networkx[default] # Test it python -c "import networkx as nx; print(nx.__version__); G = nx.Graph(); G.add_node(1); print(list(G.nodes))"

If you need additional extra packages

  • for pyyaml, lxml and pydot, you can just add pip install pyyaml lxml pydot to the batch file after line 27

  • for gdal, you can try using an existing module module load library/gdal/3.0.4/gcc-8.3.1

  • for pygraphviz, you need to install Graphviz

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