Welcome to the new user wiki of the ALICE and SHARK HPC clusters.
This wiki provides information about the ALICE HPC cluster at Leiden University and the SHARK HPC cluster at the Leiden University Medical Center.
Whether you are a novice users or a regular user on one of the clusters (or even both) or perhaps you just want to know more about ALICE or SHARK, this wiki is your main resource.
There used to be separate user wikis for both clusters. However, there is a great deal of overlap in terms of information that you as a user need to work on ALICE or SHARK. Therefore, we decided to combine the previous wikis in a new joined HPC user wiki.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions for new content.
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News and Announcements
10 Feb 2025: ALICE-SHARK - New instructions on how to use Jupyter Notebooks from within VSCode:
Next Maintenance, Workshops or other Events
11 Mar 2025: ALICE-SHARK - ALICE-SHARK Introduction Workshop
See the ALICE-SHARK Event Calendar for all upcoming events
Status ALICE
See the ALICE status page for more information and current issues
Status SHARK
See the SHARK status page for more information and current issues
What is ALICE?
The About ALICE pages give some background information, a quick overview and how to acknowledge ALICE in your publications. You can find all information specific to ALICE here: ALICE - HPC wiki
How to get an account?
The page Getting an account on ALICE explains how you can request an account on ALICE.
How to get support or provide feedback?
If you have a question about ALICE, need help with using it or want to give us some feedback, see the page Getting Support on ALICE to know how you can connect with us.
What is SHARK?
The About SHARK pages give some background information, a quick overview and how to acknowledge SHARK in your publications. You can find all information specific to SHARK here: SHARK - HPC wiki
How to get an account?
The page Getting an account on SHARK explains how you can request an account on SHARK.
How to get support or provide feedback?
If you have a question about ALICE, need help with using it or want to give us some feedback, see the page Getting support for SHARK to know how you can connect with us.
Just getting started?
If you're new to ALICE or SHARK, please check out the User Guide.
Looking for examples and tutorials?
The Tutorials section contains a number of examples and instructions for running jobs and using particular software on ALICE or SHARK.
ALICE - SHARK Event Calendar
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