Getting an account on ALICE
This page provides information on how to get an account on ALICE
By requesting an account, you agree to the policies governing ALICE, such as
Access Policy
Acceptable Use Policy
Privacy Policy
Make sure to read those before requesting an account. You can find all policies here: ALICE Policies
Account requests
If you are not a member of the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSW) or Naturalis, you can get a user account on ALICE, by sending a request to (mail request) with the following information:
your name (REQUIRED)
your ULCN or LUMC account name. At ALICE, we will create a local ALICE account with the same account name. (REQUIRED)
your university or institute e-mail address. (REQUIRED)
your supervisor name (REQUIRED for PostDocs, PhDs and students only) or local host (REQUIRED for non-UL, non-LUMC users)
What do you plan to do on ALICE (1 or 2 sentences are sufficient)? (REQUIRED)
Do you plan to process sensitive data (related to persons) or other data that must be treated confidentially? (REQUIRED)
If your group leader or supervisor has access to private compute resources or maintains a project directory, do you need access? In this case, please specify them and ask your supervisor/group leader for confirmation.
The exception are
users from MI who are automatically given access to partition
users from Institute Lorentz who are automatically given access to partition
For students
If you are a student, we need confirmation from your supervisor that you require access to ALICE. Please ask your supervisor to send us an e-mail confirming the account request.Initial account expiration and extension:
Student accounts are by default valid until the end of the semester, but can always be extended upon request and with confirmation from your supervisor. If your projected has a different (expected) end time, you can already let us know and we will set the expiration date accordingly.
For user not from LEI or LUMC,
If you do not have a Leiden University or LUMC account, we require confirmation from your host or supervisor at Leiden University or LUMC.
For user from LUMC,
Please also provide the department that you are working in.
If you are a member of the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSW), you can request an ALICE account through FSW-Labsupport using the following form:
FSW-Labsupport will review your project and assess if it is suitable for running on ALICE. If it is, FSW-Labsupport will send us a confirmation and we will set up the account.
If you are a member of Naturalis, you can request an ALICE account by sending a request to the Research IT Team at Naturalis.
Account password
Once we have created your account, you will receive an e-mail from providing you with an initial password to log in.
For the password requirements on ALICE and how you can change your password, please see this page: Account passwords on ALICE
By requesting an account, you agree to the policies governing ALICE. You can find all policies here: ALICE Policies