Getting Support on ALICE

Getting Support on ALICE

Getting support

The ALICE support team can be contacted via email at helpdesk@alice.leidenuniv.nl (mail request).

When you send ALICE staff an email, it’s important to provide detailed information that will help us understand your problem and find the right solutions. This will save you and us time.

For all support requests, please always include your ALICE user name.

Password reset

If you forgot your password or need it reset, please contact the ALICE Helpdesk and give your name, account, and describe the reason for the password reset

Running jobs

If you are trying to run a job, please include the following information:

  • Job ID

  • full path to

    • the job submission request

    • the job output file

  • Any of the following that may be related to your problem:

    • Error messages

    • Screenshots

    • Portions of your code, for example, any libraries you install or import

Finally, please tell us if there are inconsistencies, such as:

  • Did some jobs run on some nodes but not on others?

  • Is the behavior reproducible or erratic?

  • Has the behavior you’re experiencing changed recently? When?

Installing software

If you are trying to use or install software, please include:

  • Name and version of the software

  • Commands that give you an error

  • Any error messages you receive

  • A link to the website or GitHub repository you installed the software from

  • A link to the installation directions

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