Starting October 2022, the ALICE and SHARK HPC teams will be running regular joined workshops for their users.
In the beginning, we will focus on introduction course to get new users started in using ALICE and SHARK. Of course, existing users are also welcome.
NEW: Advanced workshops are now available. Registrations are open for the first two workshops
Beginner Workshop “Introduction to HPC with ALICE and SHARK”
The HPC introduction workshop consists of a theoretical session and a practical session. For the latter, you need to bring your own laptop.
For now, the introduction workshop will be in-person only and they will not be recorded.
Next Workshop
When | Where | Who | Participants limit | Deadline for registration | Status |
To be announced |
The workshop is limited to 15 participants. Registration is done on a first-come-first-serve basis.
If the registration for a workshop is closed, you can still sign-up, and we will put you on the waiting list in case a spot frees up.
For SHARK and ALICE users, you can register by sending an e-mail to with the following information
Which workshop do you want to register for (specify the date):
ALICE and/or SHARK username
Which cluster are you using: ALICE or SHARK or both?
Level of Linux experience: New, Novice or Experienced
Level of HPC experience: New, Novice or Experienced
If you registered for a workshop, but you cannot attend, please let us know, so that we can give the spot to someone else.
The currently used slides from the introduction workshop can be found here:
Advanced Workshop
Advanced workshops for ALICE and SHARK users focus on specific topics with topics changing from workshop to workshop. Like the beginner workshop, they are open to users from both clusters and jointly given by both support teams. The workshop consist of a presentation and amble time for questions and discussions.
Because advanced workshops are new and require preparation, we will initially offer them every three months. For now, the workshops will be in-person only and they will not be recorded. The slides for each workshop will be made available here.
We are maintaining a list of potential topics and suggestions from users are very welcome. You can send your suggestions to
For novice users on ALICE and SHARK, we recommend to attend an introduction workshop first.
The number of participants for workshops is limited. Registration is done on a first-come-first-serve basis.
If the registration for a workshop is closed, you can still sign-up, and we will put you on the waiting list in case a spot frees up.
For SHARK and ALICE users, you can register by sending an e-mail to with the following information
Which workshop do you want to register for:
ALICE and/or SHARK username
Which cluster are you using: ALICE or SHARK or both?
Level of Linux experience: New, Novice or Experienced
Level of HPC experience: New, Novice or Experienced
If you registered for a workshop, but you cannot attend, please let us know, so that we can give the spot to someone else.
Next Workshops
More on Software - Part 1
Unfortunately, we had to cancel the advanced workshop on 23 May 2023. The workshop will be rescheduled.
In this workshop, we will look at some more aspects on using software on ALICE and SHARK, e.g.:
How does the module system work and what to look out for
What to be aware of when installing software in the user environment
We will briefly touch on specific examples
Python (venv vs --user)
This workshop is not an introduction to the module system or with using software on the cluster. Participants should have at least some minimal practical experience with either installing software themselves on ALICE or SHARK or using the module system or both.
Unfortunately, we had to cancel the advanced workshop on 23 May 2023. The workshop will be rescheduled.
When | Where | Topic | Participants limit | Deadline for registration | Status |
| More on Software | 20 | 22 May 2023 at 23:59 CET | CANCELLED AND POSTPONED |
Previous Workshops
More on Slurm
In this workshop, we will look at some aspects of using Slurm in more detail, e.g.:
Setting resources for jobs
Job scheduling and priority
salloc and srun
Ntasks versus cpus-per-task and when to use what
Depending on time, we can also look at job arrays
This workshop is not an introduction to Slurm. Participants should have at least some minimal practical experience with using Slurm on ALICE or SHARK.
The slides for this workshop are available here: