Articles with acknowledgements to the use of ALICE
Astronomy and Astrophysics
KiDS-Legacy calibration: Unifying shear and redshift calibration with the SKiLLS multi-band image simulations, S. S. Li et al., A&A, December 2022, DOI:
High-level ab initio quartic force fields and spectroscopic characterization of C2N−, C. M. R. Rocha and H. Linnartz, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, November 2021, DOI:
Effects of stellar density on the photoevaporation of circumstellar discs, F. Concha-Ramirez et al., MNRAS, 501, 1782 (February 2021), DOI:
Lucky planets: how circum-binary planets survive the supernova in one of the inner-binary components, F. Fagginger Auer & S. Portegies Zwart, eprint arXiv:2101.08033, Submitted to SciPost Astronomy (January 2021),
Trimodal structure of Hercules stream explained by originating from bar resonances, T. Asano et al., MNRAS, 499, 2416 (December 2020), DOI:
Oort cloud Ecology II: Extra-solar Oort clouds and the origin of asteroidal interlopers, S. Portegies Zwart, eprint arXiv:2011.08257, accepted for publication by A&A, (November 2020),
The ecological impact of high-performance computing in astrophysics, S. Portegies Zwart, Nature Astronomy, 4, 819–822 (September 2020), DOI: .
A Multiscale Spatiotemporal Model Including a Switch from Aerobic to Anaerobic Metabolism Reproduces Succession in the Early Infant Gut Microbiota, D.M. Versluis et al., mSystems (September 2022), DOI:
Computer Sciences
Better Distractions: Transformer-based Distractor Generation and Multiple Choice Question Filtering, J. Offerijns, V. Verberne, T. Verhoe, eprint arXiv:2010.09598, (October 2020),
Improving estimations of life history parameters of small animals in mesocosm experiments: A case study on mosquitoes, M. Dellar, B.P. Sam, D. Holmes, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, (February 2022),
Social Sciences
Common multi-day rhythms in smartphone behavior, E. Ceolini, & A. Ghosh, npj Digital Medicine, (March 2023),
Leiden researchers and their use of HPC
Identifying Earth-impacting asteroids using an artificial neural network. John D. Hefele, Francesco Bortolussi and Simon Portegies Zwart. Astronomy & Astrophysics, February 2020.
News articles featuring ALICE
Hazardous Object Identifier: Supercomputer Helps to Identify Dangerous Asteroids, Oliver Peckman, HPC Wire, 04 March 2020, link
Elf reuzestenen op ramkoers met de aarde?, Annelies Bes, 13 February 2020, Kijk Magazine, link
Leidse sterrenkundigen ontdekken aardscheerders-in-spé, NOVA, 12 February 2020, link