Logging in to ALICE or SHARK from MacOS is very similar to Linux with only some small additional settings required. It is also possible to get a remote desktop using X2Go
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Command line login with SSH
Logging in with a Mac requires no extra installation on your local machine.
Under “File”, open a new finder window. Navigate to the “Applications” folder, then the “Utilities” folder. Open a terminal window.
Edit your ~/.bash_profile to incorporate:
Code Block |
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 |
Open a new tab to make sure these settings are in effect (Shell -> New Tab).
Now, you can basically follow the same procedure for logging as Linux users
If you are a first-time user and not yet very familiar with the command line, we recommend to follow the instructions in: https://pubappslu.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ALICEWIKIHPCWIKI/pages/1127219337748788/Login+to+ALICE+or+SHARK+from+Linux#For-first-time-users-or-%E2%80%9Cthe-most-basic-way%E2%80%9D
If you are a regular user on ALICE or if you are familiar with command line, we recommend to setup your ssh config as described in https://pubappslu.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ALICEWIKIHPCWIKI/pages/1127219337748788/Login+to+ALICE+or+SHARK+from+Linux#For-regular-users-or-%E2%80%9Cthe-more-elegant-way%E2%80%9D. You also take it a step further and set up ssh keys as described in https://pubappslu.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ALICEWIKIHPCWIKI/pages/1127219337748788/Login+to+ALICE+or+SHARK+from+Linux#Making-logins-even-more-convenient-with-ssh-keys
Remote desktop with X2Go
With X2Go, you can get a remote desktop on ALICE. Instructions on how to set X2Go up, can be found here: Getting a remote desktop on ALICE or SHARK with X2Go